Ejemplos de hacks de ediciones anteriores
Aquí tienen una lista de ejemplos de hacks de Science Hack Day en otros lugares. No se asusten por el nivel, que que aquí hay sitio para todo tipo de proyectos 😉
Phytogear (Vitória 2013)
Phytogear es un proyecto que reune a programadores, ingenieros, biólogos, diseñadores y curiosos para dar movilidad y autonomía a una plantita. Además de linda e independiente, ¡Pythogear subirá sus sentimientos vegetales a Twitter y Facebook!
Saving Whales (San Francisco 2014)
Creators: Mark Forgette, Kira Hammond
We designed a better crab trap to stop whale entanglements. Why? Crab and lobster traps are the top culprits in whale entanglements. Even a single whale is critical to the survival of some endangered species. We took two approaches to the problem:
1) Make the line more visible to whales
2) Make a ‘wireless’ version of the trap that self floats to the surface. Eliminating the need for any lines.
APIs, data and tools used: WET (branch of NOAA) data on whale entanglements, http://www.marinelifestudies.org/index.php/whale-entanglement-team-wet.html
Dominic Frett’s acoustic modem underwater from the open rover ROV team.
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Spit lamp (Berlin 2013)
Creators: André Lampe, Lucy Patterson, Marc Hahn, Serena Schimd, Nuria Cerdá-Esteban
A simple laser pointer projection microscope, using a water drop as a combined sample-holder and lens, made into a nice tasteful lamp.
APIs, data and tools used: green laser pointer, construction materials (wire, card, paper, glue, elastic bands, bluetack etc), spit
Screenshots, photos and videos: https://pic.twitter.com/1Mn1NAfkBK, https://vine.co/v/htddJuOXgeA
Final Runtier (San Francisco 2013)
Creators: Matt Luedke, Crystal Shei, Allison Marie Cooper
Inspired by a love of running and the California Academy of Sciences’ planetarium show, the Final Runtier mobile app allows users to turn their jogs into journeys in space, challenging them to not only run farther but also to imagine the vastness of the universe. Jog in miles, travel in lightyears—the Final Runtier: Where no run has gone before.
—Compare jogged Earth miles to astronomical units & lightyears
—Challenge yourself to achieve new astronomical milestones and comprehend the massive scale of the universe
—Challenge friends to catch up with your journeys!
(The prototype is an iOS app, but other mobile platforms will be developed as well.)
APIs, data and tools used: iOS7 mobile app prototype (Xcode), design with Illustrator, NASA data.
Screenshots, photos and videos: http://prezi.com/pf4q850yrq2i/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
Hack URL: wherenorunhasgonebefore.com
Mario for the Blind (San Francisco 2014)
Creators: Benjamin Gleitzman, Rich Jones, Erin
65 million visually impaired people have never had the excitement of playing games like Mario. Mario for the Blind is an accessible version of Mario that can be played through sound alone.
APIs, data and tools used: MIDI.js, timbre.js, our own object recognition algorithm, JSNES, our own sweat and bloof
Screenshots, photos and videos: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101688/website/misc/mario.mp4
Source code and links: http://github.com/miserlou/jsnes
GelloShotElectrophoresis (San Francisco 2012)
Creators: Joseph Elsbernd Patrik D’haeseleer Sarah Zhang Rolf Widenfelt Yasaman Sheri
Gel Electrophoresis is a common tool for analyzing and separating complex molecules. It typically uses some nasty chemicals, which you’d never want to eat. This hack changes that. In Gello Shot Electrophoresis, commonly available agar gel is used with a Potassium Chloride (salt substitute) and lime juice buffer. Our limited time experiment was done with ordinary food colorings, which separate nicely and stay colorful thoughout the process!
Screenshots, photos and videos: https://secure.flickr.com/groups/2091253@N24/
Hack URL: http://jelloshotelectrophoresis.pbworks.com